Government Infrastructure EB-5 Projects
Providing a Unique Funding Solution for Municipalities and Public Transportation Projects
SEPTA Rebuilding for the Future
I-526 APPROVALS RECEIVED(Offering is closed)
(Total of $239,500,000 raised)
SEPTA Rebuilding for the Future
I-526 APPROVALS RECEIVED(Offering is closed)
(Total of $239,500,000 raised)
• Total Project: $809 Million • EB-5 Financing: $300 Million
• Economic Impact: 8,468 Job Creation
• Exemplar Approved
PTC Highway Capital Project
I-526 APPROVAL RECEIVED(Currently not accepting new investors)
(Total of $183,500,000 raised so far)
PTC Highway Capital Project
I-526 APPROVAL RECEIVED(Currently not accepting new investors)
(Total of $183,500,000 raised so far)
• Total Project: $1.75 Billion• EB-5 Financing: $800 Million
• Economic Impact: 23,170 Job Creation
• Exemplar approved on 3/27/2017
*Due to the new regulation effective on 11/21/2019, TEA status is subject to change
(Total of $200,000,000 raised)
(Total of $200,000,000 raised)
• Total Project: $416 Million• EB-5 Financing: $200 Million
• Economic Impact: 5,368 Job Creation
• Exemplar Approved
DVRC EB-5 Projects
DVRC EB-5 projects are traditional government infrastructure project involving local transportation agencies in Pennsylvania. DVRC has partnered with Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC), which is the state agency that oversees all the toll roads here in Pennsylvania and Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) which oversees all public transportation here in Southeastern Pennsylvania to bring quality real infrastructure projects to the EB-5 investors.

The PTC Highway Infrastructure Project involves spending approximately $1.75 billion to design and reconstruct 130 miles of the Pennsylvania Turnpike, the nation’s second largest toll road. This much-needed Project will provide motorists with a much improved driving experience across the entire state of Pennsylvania, boosting travel efficiency while having a substantial economic impact on the local community by creating over 23,000 new permanent, full-time jobs.
The PTC Highway Infrastructure Project is a system-wide total reconstruction initiative that entails rebuilding sections of the 60-plus-year-old Pennsylvania Turnpike’s highways from the ground up, which includes constructing new interchanges and widening and reconstructing existing highways. The entire initiative, once completed, will improve safety and provide a more efficient flow of traffic for Turnpike travelers. Full-depth reconstruction involves removing all original pavement and sub-base and replacing it with an entirely new roadway. The existing, four-lane highway will be replaced with a six-lane highway that has full, 12-foot-wide shoulders to the left and right of the travel lanes. All other facets of the highway will also be replaced including lighting, barriers and guide rail, noise barriers and retention walls, and drainage systems. To accommodate the construction, certain overhead bridges and tunnels will also be replaced and new toll facilities built as necessary.
H.R.2471 – Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 became law on March 15, 2022, and gives the Regional Center program a new five-year authorization starting after 60 days (May 15, 2022). We expect the new law will have a significant impact on all stakeholders. However, USCIS has yet to announce detailed regulations regarding the law, we therefore do not accept new investors at this time. Please check back for further updates.
DVRC has raised $183,500,000 as of January, 2020

SEPTA Rebuilding for the Future Project (Offering is closed for new investors)
Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) is the nation’s 6th largest public transportation agency. SEPTA is responsible for 80% of downtown Philadelphia’s daily commute. In 2012, SEPTA also had the largest and most successful EB-5 project at the time, raising $175 million in EB-5 financing with 100% investor approvals.
The SEPTA Rebuilding for the Future Project is a $809 million capital improvement program comprised of the development, construction and purchase of an integrated system of machinery and equipment to improve and update SEPTA’s public transportation system while creating over 8,400 new jobs for the local economy. Specifically, the work to be performed includes City Hall Station Rehabilitation, Elwyn-Wawa Rail Service Restoration, Substation Rehabilitation Program, and Frazer Yard Expansion and Locomotives & Rail Car Acquisition. The Project mission is to deliver safe, reliable, sustainable, accessible and customer-focused public transit service, contributing to region’s economic vitality, sustainability, and enhanced quality of life.
DVRC has successfully raised $239,500,000 as of November 2019 and the offering is closed for new investors.

PTC/I-95 INTERCHANGE PROJECT (Offering is closed for new investors)
Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC), is a Pennsylvania government agency found in 1937 to oversee all the toll roads in Pennsylvania. PTC is the most active municipal bond issuer in Pennsylvania and the second largest toll road in United States.
DVRC partnered with PTC and launched its first EB-5 program in 2014, and raised $200 Million EB-5 funding for a high-profile highway construction project that will connect Pennsylvania Turnpike and Interstate 95. Because this project will create more than 5,300 full-time, permanent jobs, and bring positive economic impact in Pennsylvania and surrounding regions, it received wide support from all levels of the government. With the full assistance of PTC, DVRC was able to fully subscribe the 400 investors needed for the project in only 10 month.
As of May 2016, DVRC has successfully raised $200,000,000 and the offering is closed for new investors.
About the DVRC
The Delaware Valley Regional Center (DVRC) has been designated as a “Regional Center” under the EB-5 Immigration Investor Program for the specific purpose of investing foreign funds into new regionally significant infrastructure projects.
DVRC’s focus consists of the Delaware Valley Metropolitan Statistical Area, otherwise known as the Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington, or the Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Delaware-Maryland Metropolitan Statistical Area. Delaware Valley is the 6th largest metropolitan area in the United States. According to 2010 Census figures, it has a population of approximately 6.1 million.
For its initial project, DVRC raised $200 million from EB-5 investments to construct the Pennsylvania Turnpike/I-95 Project which will provide motorist with a direct connection between the two major interchanges. Also, DVRC had raised $239.5 million from EB-5 investments to improve the public transit infrastructure through the SEPTA Rebuilding for the future project. Last but not least, DVRC has raised $183.5 million EB-5 funds to invest in the PTC Highway Capital Project, which is its second project with PTC, to design and construct/improve approximately 130 miles of the Pennsylvania Turnpike.
Going forward, DVRC will continue to focus on providing capital to important public infrastructure projects in affiliation with government agencies.
In order to be considered, future projects will be required to meet the DVRC’s rigorous standards. DVRC will partner with government entities on large-scale infrastructure projects (public transportation, road and bridges) that will create jobs and contribute to the economic growth in the Delaware Valley Metropolitan Statistical Area and the United States at large.MANAGED BY A TEAM OF EXPERIENCED FINANCE, IMMIGRATION AND LEGAL PROFESSIONALS
Our two main partners have over 26 years combined investment management experience at the highest level. Our strength and expertise are evident in the type of high quality project we were able to bring to EB-5 investors.TRADITIONAL GOVERNMENT INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT
We focus only on pure government infrastructure projects.The EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program
About the EB-5 Program
The EB-5 Program allows a foreign national and his or her family members to apply for lawful permanent resident in the United States by investment in commercial enterprise and create or preserve 10 full-times jobs. With the new regulation effective since November 21, 2019, the minimum investment amount of $500,000 in Targeted Employment Area (TEA) and otherwise $1,000,000 have increase to $900,000 or $1,800,000, respectively.
*For more information on EB-5 Immigration Investor Program Modernization, find it at USCIS EB-5

Advantages of the EB-5 Program
- No Sponsor Needed
- Approved Regional Center Investment Programs
- Permanent Residency Life Style

Investor Qualifications & Accreditations
- Valid passport, any nationality
- No criminal record
- Identifiable and legal source of funds
- Income greater than $200,000 in last 2 years ($300,000 for a couple) or net worth greater than $1 million
Please consult a qualified immigration attorney for further detailed information. Visit the USCIS website.
How To Subscribe
Request Questionnaire / Contact DVRC
201 King of Prussia Rd, Suite 230, Wayne, PA 19087